Protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding in Europe: a blueprint for action
“A szoptatás elősegítése Európában” címmel
Részlet David Byrne, európai egészség-és fogyasztóvédelmi biztos előszavából:
“The promotion of breastfeeding is one of the most effective ways to improve the health of our children. It has also beneficial effects for mothers, families, the community, the health and social system, the environment, and the society in general.
There are numerous initiatives at local, regional, national and international level that promote breastfeeding. I believe, however, that the chances that these initiatives achieve good and permanent results will be much higher if action is based on sound plans including activities of proven effectiveness integrated into a coordinated programme.
The Blueprint for Action provides a framework for the development of such plans. The Blueprint will be made available to all those Governments, institutions and organizations who are willing to work together for the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding.”
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