Tag Archive for: A szoptatás fájdalomcsillapító hatása

Effects of breastfeeding on pain relief in full-term newborns

Leite AM, Linhares MB, Lander J, Castral TC, dos Santos CB, Silvan Scochi CG.
Clin J Pain. 2009 Nov-Dec;25(9):827-32.


Breastfeeding may be useful for relieving procedural pain experienced by neonates. Researchers have compared breastfeeding against other pain relieving approaches in several studies, presenting marked methodologic heterogeneity.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effectiveness of breastfeeding in reducing pain in newborns undergoing blood collection for newborn screening. METHOD: The sample of this randomized clinical trial study consisted of 60 full-term newborns: 31 in the experimental group and 29 in the control group. The experimental group was breastfed 5 minutes before, during, and for 5 minutes after the blood collection procedure.
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Enhanced kangaroo mother care for heel lance in preterm neonates: a crossover trial

C C Johnston, F Filion, M Campbell-Yeo, C Goulet, L Bell, K McNaughton and J Byron

Journal of Perinatology (2009) 29, 51–56

Objective: To test if enhancing maternal skin-to-skin contact, or kangaroo mother care (KMC) by adding rocking, singing and sucking is more efficacious than simple KMC for procedural pain in preterm neonates.

Conclusion: The sensorial stimulations from skin-to-skin contact that include tactile, olfactory sensations from the mother are sufficient to decrease pain response in premature neonates.

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The calming effect of a maternal breast milk odor on the human newborn infant

Nishitani S, Miyamura T, Tagawa M, Sumi M, Takase R, Doi H, Moriuchi H, Shinohara K.

Neurosci Res. 2008 Nov 1. [Epub ahead of print]


We examined the effects of the odors from mother’s milk, other mother’s milk and formula milk on pain responses in newborns undergoing routine heelsticks.

Forty-eight healthy infants were assigned to four groups, an own mother’s breast milk odor group (Own MM), another mother’s breast milk odor group (Other MM), a formula milk odor group (Formula M) and a control group. To assess infant distress in response to the heelsticks, their crying, grimacing and motor activities were recorded during the experiment as behavioral indices of the pain response.
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Breastfeeding or Oral Sucrose Solution in Term Neonates Receiving Heel Lance: A Randomized, Controlled Trial

Luigi Codipietro, Manuela Ceccarelli, and Alberto Ponzone

PEDIATRICS Vol. 122 No. 3 September 2008, pp. e716-e721


OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this work was to compare the efficacy of breastfeeding versus orally administered sucrose solution in reducing pain response during blood sampling through heel lance.

METHODS. We conducted an open-label, randomized, controlled trial at a neonatal unit of a public hospital in northern Italy on 101 term neonates undergoing heel lance with an automated piercing device for routine neonatal screening for congenital disorders. Newborn infants were randomly assigned to breastfeeding during blood sampling or to the oral administration of 1 mL of 25% sucrose solution.
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Outcomes of Breastfeeding versus Formula Feeding

A csecsemőtáplálás módjának a csecsemő és az anya egészségére gyakorlt hatásával kapcsolatos kutatási eredmények jól áttekinthető összefoglalása.

Letölthető a La leche League International oldaláról.
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Breastfeeding or Breastmilk to Alleviate Procedural Pain in Neonates: A Systematic Review

Prakesh S. Shah, Lucia Aliwalas, Vibhuti Shah. Breastfeeding Medicine. 2007, 2(2): 74-82.


Objectives: To (1) compare breastfeeding with control (placebo, no treatment, sucrose, glucose, pacifiers, or positioning) and (2) compare breastmilk with control for procedural pain in neonates.

Methods: Systematic review and meta-analyses of randomized and quasi-randomized trials of breastfeeding or supplemental breastmilk for procedural pain in neonates was carried out on studies identified from electronic databases and hand searches without language restrictions. The methodological quality of the trials was assessed according to the Neonatal Review Group of Cochrane Collaboration.

Results: Eleven eligible studies were identified. Marked heterogeneity in control intervention and pain assessment measures was noted.
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Szoptatás vagy idegen női tej adása a kiváltott fájdalom enyhítésére újszülötteknél

Informed – A fájdalom által kiváltott élettani változások befolyásolják a morbiditás alakulását újszülötteknél. Klinikai tanulmányok csökkenést mutattak ki az élettani paraméterekben és a fájdalom objektíve mérhető értékeiben, ha előzetesen fájdalomcsillapítót adtak olyan újszülötteknek, akiknél valamilyen fájdalom vagy stresszes állapot állott fenn. Erre a célra nem-gyógyszeres (ringatás, pólyázás, szoptatás), valamint gyógyszeres (acetaminofen, szaharóz, opioidok) eljárásokat alkalmaztak.

A szerzők elsődleges célja az volt, hogy értékeljék a szoptatás vagy az idegen női tej hatását az újszülöttek kiváltott fájdalmának csökkentésében. A másodlagos cél pedig az volt, hogy ezt a hatást osztályozzák a szükségessé vált beavatkozások és a fájdalmas eljárások típusa, a gesztációs kor és a kiegészítő, idegen női tej mnnyisége szerint.
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Breastfeeding or breast milk for procedural pain in neonates

PS Shah, LL Aliwalas, V Shah

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2006 Issue 3


Physiological changes brought about by pain may contribute to the development of morbidity in neonates. Clinical studies have shown reduction in the changes in physiological parameters and pain score measurements following pre-emptive analgesic administration in situations where the neonate is experiencing pain or stress. Nonpharmacological measures (such as holding, swaddling, breastfeeding) and pharmacological measures (such as acetaminophen, sucrose and opioids) have been used for this purpose.

The primary objective of this review was to evaluate the effectiveness of breastfeeding or supplemental breast milk in reducing procedural pain in neonates.
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Analgesic effect of breast feeding in term neonates: randomised controlled trial

Newborn infants routinely undergo painful invasive procedures, even after uncomplicated birth. Evidence shows that neonates do feel pain and may even have increased sensitivity to pain and to its long term effects compared with older infants. Treating procedural pain has become a crucial part of neonatal care. In healthy infants, the most common painful procedures are heel lance and venepuncture. Pharmacological treatments are rarely used during these procedures because of con­cerns about their effectiveness (topical local anaesthetic
or paracetamol for heel pricks) and potential adverse effects (central analgesics). Therefore, non­ pharmacological interventions are valuable alternatives.

Recent studies have reported that pain can be reduced with simple and benign interventions such as sweet oral solutions (sucrose or glucose) and nonnutritive sucking or multisensory stimulation.
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Breastfeeding Is Analgesic in Healthy Newborns

Larry Gray, Lisa W. Miller, Barbara L. Philipp, Elliott M. Blass

PEDIATRICS Vol. 109 No. 4 April 2002, pp. 590-593


Context. This study identifies a behavioral and nonpharmacologic means of preventing newborn pain.

Objective. To determine whether breastfeeding is analgesic in newborn infants undergoing heel lance—a routine, painful, hospital procedure.

Design. A prospective, randomized, controlled trial.

Setting. Hospital maternity services at Boston Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts, and Beverly Hospital, Beverly, Massachusetts.

Participants. A random sample of 30 full-term, breastfed infants.

Interventions. Infants in the intervention group were held and breastfed by their mothers during heel lance and blood collection procedures for the Newborn Screening Program Blood Test.
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