Tag Archive for: Állásfoglalások, ajánlások

Do Breastfeeding Babies Need Extra Iron at 4 Months?

Susan Burger, MHS, PhD, IBCLC

Should exclusively breastfed babies be routinely supplemented with extra iron? Yes, according to the Committee on Nutrition of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in its recently issued Clinical Report. It justifies this recommendation by citing its “concerns that iron deficiency anemia and iron deficiency without anemia can have long-lasting detrimental effects on neurodevelopment.”

As a mother myself and as someone who worked for many years on large-scale public health nutrition programs for mothers and children in developing areas, I certainly want the AAP to fully investigate and make solid recommendations about the potential impact of iron deficiency on cognitive development.
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Megjelentek az új csecsemőtáplálási szakmai protokollok

Az új szakmai protokollokat a Csecsemő- és Gyermekgyógyászati Szakmai Kollégium és Szoptatást Támogató Nemzeti Bizottság illetve a Védőnői Szakmai Kollégium készítette.
A dokumentumok kidolgozásakor a szerzők arra törekedtek, hogy a gyermekgyógyászati és a védőnői protokoll egységes szemléletet tükrözzön, és ezzel elkerüljék, hogy a szülők egymásnak ellentmondó tanácsokat kapjanak az orvostól ill. a védőnőtől.

Az új ajánlások a Hivatalos Értesítő 2009/46. számában láttak napvilágot, és a kozlonykiado.hu oldalról letölthetők.

Gyermekgyógyászati: Hivatalos Értesítő 2009. évi 46. szám pp 8966-8992.

Védőnői: Hivatalos Értesítő 2009. évi 46. szám pp 9614-9637.
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Strategies for Breastfeeding Success

Keister D, Roberts KT, Werner SL.
Am Fam Physician. 2008 Jul 15;78(2):225-32.


Breastfeeding provides significant health benefits for infants and mothers. However, the United States continues to fall short of the breastfeeding goals set by the Healthy People 2010 initiative. The American Academy of Family Physicians, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology have policy statements supporting breastfeeding that reflect recent advancements in understanding the mechanisms underlying the benefits of breastfeeding and in the clinical management of breastfeeding. Despite popular belief, there are few contraindications to breastfeeding.

Providing maternal support and structured antenatal and postpartum breastfeeding education are the most effective means of achieving breastfeeding success.
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International Breastfeeding Initiatives and their Relevance to the Current State of Breastfeeding in the United States

Marsha Walker
J Midwifery Womens Health 2007;52:549–555


Lactation is an ancient process that predates placental gestation. It represents the normal and expected way to feed infants and young children, yet continues to suffer from cultural and commercial barriers that make it difficult for mothers to adhere to the medical recommendation to breastfeed exclusively for 6 months, and to continue breastfeeding with appropriate complementary foods for 1 year and beyond.

Infant feeding through the ages has been subject to shifting attitudes toward the mother/child relationship, the understanding (or misunderstanding) of the process of lactation and the composition of human milk, and the escalating acceptance of the use of human milk substitutes.
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Indicators for Assessing Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices

Conclusions of a consensus meeting held 6-8 November 2007 in Washington D.C., USA

It has been 16 years since the publication of the document Indicators for assessing breastfeeding practices, which provided a set of indicators that could be used to assess infant feeding within and across countries and evaluate the progress of breastfeeding promotion efforts.

Since 1991, there have been important developments in infant and young child feeding recommendations and scientific knowledge about what constitutes optimal breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices, which have led to the need for revision and expansion of the set of indicators initially recommended.

A dokumentum a WHO oldaláról letölthető.
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ILCA: Position Paper on HIV and Infant Feeding

The value of human milk

  • Exclusive breastfeeding for six months followed by continued breastfeeding with complementary foods and fluids for up to age two years and beyond (the World Health Organization standard) is the normal, optimal way of feeding infants and the foundation of health and development, except in rare circumstances.
  • Artificial feeding (use of substitutes for human milk)increases infants’ risks of acute illness, chronic disease,and slower cognitive development, and increases mothers’ risks of cancer.
  • It is estimated that yearly, at least one million infants die due to lack of optimal breastfeeding. A three-country World Health Organization analysis of infant mortality data showed a six-fold greater risk of death from infectious disease for infants who were not breastfed in the first two months of life (3).

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Infant and young child feeding: standard recommendations for the European Union


Breastfeeding is the natural way to feed infants and young children. Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life ensures optimal growth, development and health. After that, breastfeeding, with appropriate complementary foods, continues to contribute to the infant’s and young child’s growth, development and health. Low rates and early cessation of breastfeeding have important adverse health, social and economic implications for women, children, the community and the environment, result in greater expenditure on national health care provision, and may increase inequalities in health. Despite difficulties in interpreting available data, it is clear that current initiation, exclusivity and duration rates of breastfeeding in virtually every country worldwide, including EU countries, fall short of recommended levels.
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The Pacifier Debate

Stuebe A, Lee K.
Pediatrics. 2006 May;117(5):1848-9

Letters to the Editor

In their recent Pediatrics article, Hauck et al1 reported on the association between pacifier use at last sleep and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and recommended universal pacifier use to reduce the risk of SIDS.

It is far from clear, however, that pacifiers play a causal role in SIDS. Each of the 9 studies in the meta-analysis conducted by Hauck et al used a case-control design to assess whether a pacifier was used during the last sleep before SIDS death, or the sleep among control infants. In such a study design, there is potential for differential recall bias between parents of infants with SIDS and those of control infants on the basis of both the timing of the questioning and the parents’ perceptions of whether pacifier use is “right.”
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Támogatás és érdekellentét

Az International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) állásfoglalása

Részlet a dokumentumból:

Az IBFAN hiszi, hogy a csecsemő – és kisgyermek-táplálás bármely vonatkozásával kapcsolatos akármilyen konferenciát, szemináriumot, műhelymunkát vagy más találkozót sem anyagi, sem természetbeni juttatással semmilyen módon, sem közvetlenül, sem közvetetten nem támogathat olyan cég, amely csecsemőtápszerek, bébiételek vagy más, csecsemők és kisgyermekek táplálására szolgáló termék gyártásában, forgalmazásában illetve reklámozásában érdekelt.

A teljes dokumentum oldalunkról letölthető.

Magyar nyelven
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The CDC Guide to Breastfeeding Interventions

Katherine R. Shealy, MPH, IBCLC, RLC; Ruowei Li, MD, PhD; Sandra Benton-Davis, RD, LD; Laurence M. Grummer-Strawn, PhD

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2005.

This document provides guidance and direction in selecting a breastfeeding intervention. It offers the most relevant information on each type of intervention to help the reader make wise decisions.

The following categories of information have been included:

Definition Briefly describes the intervention, including its target audience and specific goals.

Rationale Explains why a particular type of interven-tion is important to breastfeeding.

Evidence of Effectiveness Draws on the major peer-reviewed literature to summarize support for the intervention as well as evidence of no effects or of a negative effect.
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