Tag Archive for: Gyakorlati útmutatók

Breastfeeding myths and mainstays for the obstetrician

Pamela D. Berens

Most ob/gyns are aware of the benefits of breastfeeding and the risks of not doing so. However, many do not appreciate the significant role that they play in supporting their patients’ breastfeeding efforts. Ob/gyns who are aware of some commonly held myths and who are familiar with strategies for breastfeeding can play a crucial role in a new mother’s breastfeeding success.

Myth #1: Breastfeeding and formula feeding are essentially equivalent.

Reality #1: Breastfeeding has significant benefits to both infants and mothers that are not matched by formula.

An abundance of scientific evidence confirms that breastfeeding conveys health advantages to both infants and mothers.
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A válogatós gyerek: rosszul evő totyogók és óvodások

A Kanadai Gyermekorvosok Társaságának gyakorlati útmutatója

Szerzők: Alexander KC Leung, Valérie Marchand, Reginald S Sauve; Canadian Paediatric Society, Nutrition and Gastroenterology Committee
Paediatr Child Health 17(8): 455-57


Azok az egy és öt év közötti gyermekek, akiket szüleik amiatt visznek orvoshoz, mert nem esznek rendesen, többségében egészségesek és az életkoruknak, növekedési ütemüknek megfelelő étvággyal rendelkeznek. A túlzott szülői elvárások szükségtelen aggodalmat eredményezhetnek, és az értelmetlen fegyelmezések, büntetések fokozhatják az ételek elutasítását. Részletes kórtörténet és általános fizikális vizsgálat szükséges az akut és krónikus betegségek kizárásához. Készíttessünk táplálkozási naplót és vizsgáljuk meg a gyermek étkezésére vonatkozó szülői elvárásokat. Amennyiben a gyermek evést “elutasító” magatartása irreális szülői elvárásokból ered, nyugtassuk meg a szülőket, valamint tájékoztassuk őket az ilyen életkorú gyermekek normális növekedéséről, fejlődéséről.
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Guidance for Health Professionals on Feeding Twins, Triplets and Higher Order Multiples

The Multiple Births Foundation (UK), 2011.

This guidance is about aspects of infant feeding which are specific to multiples. Where there is information already available on infant feeding which is relevant for multiples, we have referred to these documents and not covered them in detail.

The topics covered in this guidance include feeding with breastmilk, feeding the sick or preterm baby, expressing milk, sterilisation of equipment, formula feeding and starting solids. Triplets and higher order multiples are covered within these sections and also in a separate section.

While breastfeeding has been covered extensively in this guidance, we recognise that not all multiples will be exclusively breastfed and have included information about all aspects of feeding.
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Breastfeeding Practice Guidelines for the Healthy Term Infant

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, 2005.
Revised in November 2009.

Világos, pontokba szedett, átlátható útmutató a szoptatás támogatásához és a szoptatási problémák megoldásához. Tünetek, hajlamosító tényezők, kezelés, teendők.

Segédanyagok a szoptatás vizsgálatához, algoritmusok stb.
Egyszerűen szuper!

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Supporting Premature Infant Nutrition

Premature infants who receive human milk have the best outcomes; medically, nutritionally, and developmentally.

The Supporting Premature Infant Nutrition (SPIN) program was developed to address the challenges of helping mothers produce sufficient breastmilk for their premature infants, and to improve the manner in which Neonatal Intensive Care Units support optimal nutrition and growth in their most vulnerable population of patients.

Our Mission: To create a Center of Excellence in neonatal nutrition focused on the provision, analysis, and research of human milk to improve nutritional and neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm babies.

This website has been developed to provide parents and NICU staff the tools they need to work together toward this goal.
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Optimal positions for the release of primitive neonatal reflexes stimulating breastfeeding

Colson SD, Meek JH, Hawdon JM.
Early Hum Dev. 2008 Jul;84(7):441-9.


BACKGROUND: Despite widespread skills-teaching, 37% of UK mothers initiating breastfeeding stop by six weeks suggesting a need to reappraise current support strategies. Rooting, sucking and swallowing have been studied extensively but little is known about the role other primitive neonatal reflexes (PNRs) might play to support breastfeeding.

AIMS: To describe and compare PNRs observed during feeding, investigating whether certain feeding behaviours and positions, collectively termed Biological Nurturing, (BN) are associated with the release of those reflexes pivotal in establishing successful feeding.

METHOD: 40 breastfed healthy term mother/baby pairs were recruited using quota sampling to stratify term gestational age.
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Strategies for Breastfeeding Success

Keister D, Roberts KT, Werner SL.
Am Fam Physician. 2008 Jul 15;78(2):225-32.


Breastfeeding provides significant health benefits for infants and mothers. However, the United States continues to fall short of the breastfeeding goals set by the Healthy People 2010 initiative. The American Academy of Family Physicians, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology have policy statements supporting breastfeeding that reflect recent advancements in understanding the mechanisms underlying the benefits of breastfeeding and in the clinical management of breastfeeding. Despite popular belief, there are few contraindications to breastfeeding.

Providing maternal support and structured antenatal and postpartum breastfeeding education are the most effective means of achieving breastfeeding success.
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Common concerns regarding breastfeeding in a family practice setting

Mattar C N, Fok D, Chong Y S
Singapore Med J 2008; 49(4) : 272


Breastfeeding and the role of a primary physician
Clinicians can influence a woman’s decision to breastfeed and can contribute to a successful breastfeeding practice. A physician’s affirmation of breastfeeding can significantly increase breastfeeding initiation of women from various backgrounds. When a mother encounters a difficult situation that may jeopardise lactation, her physician should be able to counsel her appropriately and encourage a continued effort to breastfeed, bearing in mind the strong sociocultural influences that encourage a trend towards formula feeding.

It is important for the clinician to understand the many short- and long-term benefits of breast milk to prevent premature cessation of breastfeeding.
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A Breastfeeding-Friendly Approach to Depression in New Mothers

Curriculum and Resource Guide for Health Care Providers

Curriculum Objectives

After completing this curriculum, health care providers will be able to:

  • Identify women who may be at risk for depression in the perinatal period.
  • Recognize the symptoms of depression and other mood disorders in pregnant and postpartum women.
  • Describe how postpartum mood disorders may impact breastfeeding.
  • Describe the causes of postpartum depression.
  • Provide information to mothers so they can weigh the risks and benefits of various treatment options for depression.
  • Work with mothers to preserve the breastfeeding relationship whenever possible.

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The 3 M’s of Breast-feeding the Preterm Infant

Nancy M. Hurst DSN, RN, IBCLC
J Perinat Neonat Nurs Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 234–239


Mother’s own milk is considered best for preterm infants. Given the often protracted period between birth and breast-feeding for most preterm newborns, a number of challenges exist for mothers and neonatal intensive care unit nurses in establishing lactation, providing mother’s own milk, and achieving breast-feeding.

This article conceptualizes breast-feeding the preterm infant in the context of the neonatal intensive care unit as a 3-phase process, the 3 M’s of breast-feeding: medication, mother’s milk feedings, and the mechanics of breast-feeding.

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