Excretion of citalopram in breast milk
Olav Spigset, Lena Carleborg, Robert Öhman & Åke Norström
Br J Clin Pharmacol 1997; 44: 295–298
Aims The objective of this study was to measure the secretion of the selective serotonin uptake inhibitor citalopram in breast milk.
Methods The excretion of citalopram in breast milk was studied at steady-state conditions in two patients with depression and in one healthy volunteer after ingestion of a single dose citalopram.
Results Milk/serum concentration ratios based on single pairs of samples from the two patients ranged from 1.16 to 1.88. Based on milk concentration data from the patients, the absolute dose ingested by a suckling infant would be 4.3–17.6 μg kg−1 day−1, and the relative dose 0.7–5.9% of the weight-adjusted maternal dose.
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