Tag Archive for: Szoptatás és fertőző betegségek

Protective effect of exclusive breastfeeding against infections during infancy: a prospective study

Ladomenou F, Moschandreas J, Kafatos A, Tselentis Y, Galanakis E.

Arch Dis Child. 2010 Sep 27. [Epub ahead of print]


Objective To prospectively investigate the effects of breastfeeding on the frequency and severity of infections in a well-defined infant population with adequate vaccination coverage and healthcare standards.

Study design In a representative sample of 926 infants, successfully followed up for 12 months, feeding mode and all infectious episodes, including acute otitis media (AOM), acute respiratory infection (ARI), gastroenteritis, urinary tract infection, conjunctivitis and thrush, were recorded at 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months of life.

Results Infants exclusively breastfed for 6 months, as per WHO recommendations, presented with fewer infectious episodes than their partially breastfed or non-breastfed peers and this protective effect persisted after adjustment for potential confounders for ARI (OR 0.58, 95% CI 0.36 to 0.92), AOM (OR 0.37, 95% CI 0.13 to 1.05) and thrush (OR 0.14, 95% CI 0.02 to 1.02).
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Influenza és szoptatás

Gyakori kérdések a H1N1 vírussal kapcsolatban

Mit tehetek, hogy megvédjem a kisbabámat a fertőzéstől?

Oltassa be magát és családtagjait!

Az új influenza megelőzésének leghatékonyabb eszköze a védőoltás. Mivel a 6 hónaposnál fiatalabb csecsemőket nem lehet beoltani, az ő védelmük azzal biztosítható, ha a környezetében élők beoltatják magukat a vírus ellen.


Az anyatej összetevői védik a babát a kórokozókkal szemben és segítik saját immunrendszerének érését. Ha a baba esetleg elkapja a fertőzést, betegsége kevésbé lesz súlyos lefolyású, mint akkor, ha nem szopna. Ezért sokat tehet a betegség veszélyének csökkentéséért azzal, ha szoptatja a kisbabáját.

A szoptatás különösen fontos a hat hónapnál fiatalabb csecsemők számára, mivel őket még nem lehet beoltani, ezért számukra a szoptatás az egyetlen módja annak, hogy fokozzák képességüket a vírus elleni harcra.
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Breastfeeding and early infection in the aetiology of childhood leukaemia in Down syndrome

J Flores-Lujano, M L Perez-Saldivar, E M Fuentes-Pananá, C Gorodezky, R Bernaldez-Rios, M A Del Campo-Martinez, A Martinez-Avalos, A Medina-Sanson, R Paredes-Aguilera, J De Diego-Flores Chapa, V Bolea-Murga, M C Rodriguez-Zepeda, R Rivera-Luna, M A Palomo-Colli, L Romero-Guzman, P Perez-Vera, M Alvarado-Ibarra, F Salamanca-Gómez, A Fajardo-Gutierrez and J M Mejía-Aranguré

British Journal of Cancer (2009) 101, 860–864.

Background: For a child to develop acute leukaemia (AL), environmental exposure may not be sufficient: interaction with a susceptibility factor to the disease, such as Down syndrome (DS), may also be necessary. We assessed whether breastfeeding and early infection were associated with the risk of developing AL in children with DS.
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Urinary tract infection in preterm infants: the protective role of breastfeeding

Levy I, Comarsca J, Davidovits M, Klinger G, Sirota L, Linder N.
Pediatr Nephrol. 2009 Mar;24(3):527-31.


Urinary tract infection (UTI) differs between preterm and older infants and children in terms of prevalence, clinical presentation, causative organism, and rate of underlying renal anomalies. Data on risk factors of UTI in preterm infants are limited. The aim of this study was to characterize UTI both clinically and microbiologically in premature infants and to define possible risk factors and the role of breastfeeding in its development.

This case-control study was conducted in a tertiary-care neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) between 1995 and 2003.
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Breastfeeding protects against infectious diseases during infancy in industrialized countries. A systematic review

Liesbeth Duijts, Made K. Ramadhani and Henriëtte A. Moll
Maternal & Child Nutrition Volume 5 Issue 3, Pages 199 – 210; 2009


Firstly, this review was performed to assess the effect of breastfeeding on infections during infancy in industrialized countries. Secondly, the effect of duration and exclusiveness of breastfeeding were explored.

Studies were identified using Medline, Cochrane Library, Science Citation Index and by a manual search from bibliographies of articles from August 1986 to January 2008. Follow-up, case–control and randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies performed in an industrialized country, published in English, with breastfeeding as a determinant, with overall infections, gastrointestinal or respiratory tract infections as a major outcome, and at least 40 participants in the study were included.
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Outcomes of Breastfeeding versus Formula Feeding

A csecsemőtáplálás módjának a csecsemő és az anya egészségére gyakorlt hatásával kapcsolatos kutatási eredmények jól áttekinthető összefoglalása.

Letölthető a La leche League International oldaláról.
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Breastfeeding and Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes in Developed Countries

Stanley Ip, M.D., Mei Chung, M.P.H., Gowri Raman, M.D., Priscilla Chew, M.P.H., Nombulelo Magula, M.D., Deirdre DeVine, M.Litt., Thomas Trikalinos, M.D., Ph.D., Joseph Lau, M.D.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, April 2007

Structured Abstract

Objectives: We reviewed the evidence on the effects of breastfeeding on short- and long-term infant and maternal health outcomes in developed countries.

Data Sources: We searched MEDLINE®, CINAHL, and the Cochrane Library in November of 2005. Supplemental searches on selected outcomes were searched through May of 2006. We also identified additional studies in bibliographies of selected reviews and by suggestions from technical experts.
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Novel oligosaccharides in human milk: understanding mechanisms may lead to better prevention of enteric and other infections

Ricardo Uauy, MD, PhD; Magdalena Araya, MD, PhD

J Pediatr 145:3; 283-285 September 2004


Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOS) comprise the third largest solid component in mature human milk (12-14 g/L) after lactose and fat; there are more oligosaccharides than protein in breast milk. HMOS are resistant to digestion in the small intestine and are able to reach the colon intact. There they exert their effect directly by promoting the growth of specific microbial flora. They can be absorbed and excreted in the urine and may protect from urinary tract infections. Indirectly they may also act through their fermentation, modifying colonic pH, generating substances that may affect colonic cells, gut-associated immune cells, and other bacteria.
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Quantifying the Benefits of Breastfeeding: A Summary of the Evidence

Natalia León-Cava, Chessa Lutter, Jay Ross, Luann Martin

The Food and Nutrition Program (HPN)
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
The LINKAGES Project
2002 June

This annotated bibliography summarizes the published literature on the following six topics related to the benefits of breastfeeding:

  • Infant morbidity because of diarrhea, acute respiratory infections, otitis media and ear infections, and other infectious diseases
  • Infant mortality because of diarrhea, acute respiratory infection, and all causes
  • Child development
  • Chronic diseases, particularly obesity, diabetes, and cancer
  • Maternal health effects, with special emphasis on breast and ovarian cancers
  • Economic benefits

The work described here attests to the enormous benefits of breastfeeding in terms of infant health, intellectual and motor development, later chronic disease risk, and maternal health.
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A Longitudinal Analysis of Infant Morbidity and the Extent of Breastfeeding in the United States

Paula D. Scariati, Laurence M. Grummer-Strawn, Sara Beck Fein
PEDIATRICS Vol. 99 No. 6 June 1997, pp. e5


Background. Studies on the health benefits of breastfeeding in developed countries have shown conflicting results. These studies often fail to account for confounding, reverse causality, and dose-response effects. We addressed these issues in analyzing longitudinal data to determine if breastfeeding protects US infants from developing diarrhea and ear infections.

Methods. Mothers participating in a mail panel provided information on their infants at ages 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 months. Infants were classified as exclusively breastfed; high, middle, or low mixed breast- and formula-fed; or exclusively formula-fed.
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