Tag Archive for: Szülés és szoptatás

Implementing and revitalizing the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative

Randa Saadeh and Carmen Casanovas
Food Nutr Bull. 2009 Jun;30(2 Suppl):S225-9.


The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) was launched in the 1990s by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF as a global effort with hospitals, health services, and parents to ensure babies are breastfed for the best start in life. It is one of the Operational Targets of the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding endorsed in 2002 by the Fifty-Fifth World Health Assembly and the UNICEF Executive Board.

After about 18 years, great progress has been made, and most countries have breastfeeding authorities or BFHI coordinating groups.
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Early contact versus separation: effects on mother-infant interaction one year later.

Bystrova K et al.
Birth. 2009 Jun;36(2):97-109.


BACKGROUND: A tradition of separation of the mother and baby after birth still persists in many parts of the world, including some parts of Russia, and often is combined with swaddling of the baby. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare possible long-term effects on mother-infant interaction of practices used in the delivery and maternity wards, including practices relating to mother-infant closeness versus separation.

METHODS: A total of 176 mother-infant pairs were randomized into four experimental groups: Group I infants were placed skin-to-skin with their mothers after birth, and had rooming-in while in the maternity ward.
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A kórházi rutin jelentősen befolyásolja a szoptatás sikerét

Az American Journal of Public Health c. folyóiratban nemrég megjelent tanulmány szerint az újszülöttek kórházi gondozásának módja nagyban befolyásolja, hogy az édesanyáknak sikerül-e megvalósítaniuk a szoptatással kapcsolatos elképzeléseiket.

A vizsgálatban résztvevő édesanyák 70%-a szerette volna kizárólagosan szoptatni kisbabáját, de az első hét végére már csak 50%-uk számolhatott be arról, hogy ez sikerült is. Az eredmények szerint a kórházi rutin jelentősen hozzájárult ehhez a sikertelenséghez.

Az először szülő anyák 49%-a számolt be arról, hogy újszülöttje pótlást és 45%-a, hogy cumit kapott a kórházban. Azoknak, akik olyan szülészeti intézményben szültek, ahol a „Sikeres szoptatáshoz vezető tíz lépés” közül legalább hatot vagy hetet alkalmaztak, hatszor nagyobb esélyük volt arra, hogy kizárólagosan szoptassák a kisbabájukat, mint azoknak, akik olyan helyen szültek, ahol egy lépést alkalmaztak vagy egyet sem.
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Hospital Practices and Women’s Likelihood of Fulfilling Their Intention to Exclusively Breastfeed

Eugene Declercq, Miriam Labbok, Carol Sakala, MaryAnn O’Hara

Am J Public Health. 2009 Mar 19. [Epub ahead of print]

Objectives. We sought to assess whether breastfeeding-related hospital practices reported by mothers were associated with achievement of their intentions to exclusively breastfeed.

Methods. We used data from Listening to Mothers II, a nationally representative survey of 1573 mothers who had given birth in a hospital to a singleton in 2005. Mothers were asked retrospectively about their breastfeeding intention, infant feeding at 1 week, and 7 hospital practices.

Results. Primiparas reported a substantial difference between their intention to exclusively breastfeed (70%) and this practice at 1 week (50%).
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Effect of Maternity-Care Practices on Breastfeeding

DiGirolamo AM, Grummer-Strawn LM, Fein SB.
Pediatrics. 2008 Oct;122 Suppl 2:S43-9.


OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to assess the impact of “Baby-Friendly” hospital practices and other maternity-care practices experienced by mothers on breastfeeding duration.

METHODS: This analysis of the Infant Feeding Practices Study II focused on mothers who initiated breastfeeding and intended prenatally to breastfeed for >2 months, with complete data on all variables (n = 1907). Predictor variables included indicators of 6 “Baby-Friendly” practices (breastfeeding initiation within 1 hour of birth, giving only breast milk, rooming in, breastfeeding on demand, no pacifiers, fostering breastfeeding support groups) along with several other maternity-care practices.
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Impact of Birth Trauma on Breast-feeding: A Tale of Two Pathways

Beck, Cheryl Tatano; Watson, Sue
Nursing Research. 57(4):228-236, July/August 2008.

Objective: To explore the impact of birth trauma on mothers’ breast-feeding experiences.

Conclusions: The impact of birth trauma on mothers’ breast-feeding experiences can lead women down two strikingly different paths. One path can propel women into persevering in breast-feeding, whereas the other path can lead to distressing impediments that curtailed women’s breast-feeding attempts.

A cikk absztraktja a Nursing Research oldalán olvasható.

Nursing Research főoldal
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Optimal positions for the release of primitive neonatal reflexes stimulating breastfeeding

Colson SD, Meek JH, Hawdon JM.
Early Hum Dev. 2008 Jul;84(7):441-9.


BACKGROUND: Despite widespread skills-teaching, 37% of UK mothers initiating breastfeeding stop by six weeks suggesting a need to reappraise current support strategies. Rooting, sucking and swallowing have been studied extensively but little is known about the role other primitive neonatal reflexes (PNRs) might play to support breastfeeding.

AIMS: To describe and compare PNRs observed during feeding, investigating whether certain feeding behaviours and positions, collectively termed Biological Nurturing, (BN) are associated with the release of those reflexes pivotal in establishing successful feeding.

METHOD: 40 breastfed healthy term mother/baby pairs were recruited using quota sampling to stratify term gestational age.
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Az egészséges életkezdet joga

Az újszülött ellátás és a szoptatás helyzete Magyarországon a szakmai követelmények és a valóság tükrében

Az idei Születés Hete program-sorozaton gyermekgyógyászként a Magyarországi bababarát kórházak helyzetével foglalkozó kerekasztal résztvevője voltam. Természetesen nem azért kell erről beszélni és a nagy nyilvánosság elé tárni a helyzetet mert minden rendben van, hanem azért, mert minden pont fordítva történik, mint ahogy kellene és újszülöttjeink egészséges életkezdethez való joga szenved nap mint nap csorbát.

Az 1989. november 20-án az ENSZ közgyűlésén elfogadott, a gyermekek jogairól szóló egyezmény kimondja a gyermekeknek a lehető legjobb egészségi állapothoz való jogát és felvázolja az ennek biztosításához szükséges intézkedéseket, így az anyák megfelelő tájékoztatását a szoptatás előnyeiről.
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Hospital Practices that Increase Breastfeeding Duration: Results from a Population-Based Study

Murray EK, Ricketts S, Dellaport J.
Birth. 2007 Sep;34(3):202-11.


Background: A high percentage (83%) of mothers in Colorado initiate breastfeeding; but in keeping with national breastfeeding trends, many of them discontinue breastfeeding within the first few months. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of hospital practices on breastfeeding duration and whether the effects differed based on maternal socioeconomic status.

Methods: Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System data were used to calculate breastfeeding duration rates for all Colorado mothers in 2002 to 2003. Breastfeeding duration rates were determined for recipients of each of nine hospital practices included in the survey compared with rates for nonrecipients.
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Breast-feeding: Good Starts, Good Outcomes

Marsha Walker RN, IBCLC
Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing July/September 2007 Volume 21 Number 3 Pages 191 – 197


Meeting national breast-feeding objectives and mothers’ personal breast-feeding goals depends on a number of factors, including the provision of current, consistent, and timely help with breast-feeding. Nurses are in a prime position to guide mothers during their hospital stay and provide community follow-up postdischarge.

Mothers and infants need to acquire a set of breast-feeding skills prior to hospital discharge so that a mother goes home confident that she can adequately nourish her infant, initiate and maintain an abundant milk supply, avoid problems, and address them if they occur.
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